Welcome back to the latest installment in our 12-part “Shift” series. The techniques we cover, when applied, will allow your business to continue to thrive in a turbulently shifting market—or in any market, for that matter.  

For tactic No. 5., today we’ll get down to the nitty-gritty of getting to the table, or what’s known as lead conversion. Let’s face it: Fewer leads and fewer actively motivated leads are inevitable in a shifting market. To put it in perspective, you must recognize that good leads are great and great leads are golden during a shift.   

However, leads that become timely appointments are what matter above all. Conversions, then, are the golden ticket. What good is a name and a number or email without it? You need motivated appointments in the here and now, and the greatest measure of your lead-generating success is your lead conversion ability. In other words, you simply can’t have one without the other. 

There’s a great running quote from William James that’s a perfect analogy to real estate: “Most people never run far enough on their first win to find out they’ve got a second.” If a buyer or seller is ready, willing, and able to act in the market, conversion feels like an event that just happens. However, that’s not the case—conversion is actually a collapsed process disguised as an event. 

In this way, consistently landing any and every appointment from your lead generation isn’t complicated. Still, it does require preparation, practice, and purposeful action on your part. 

No matter if a prospect wants to meet immediately or down the road, the conversion process is no different. The sole difference between the two is the time frame; the jumping-off point for the conversion is capturing enough information to make contact with your lead. 

Then, you’ll move toward connecting or engaging in a meaningful dialogue wherein you gain some understanding and begin to lay the groundwork for a relationship. Finally, the process ends with closing. Whether by phone or in person, here, you’ll close for an appointment.   

“Shift or no shift, leads are priceless, so follow-up with them until they buy, sell, or ask you to leave them alone.”

Shift or no shift, leads are priceless, so follow-up with them until they buy, sell, or ask you to leave them alone. Always know what to say and do, and take a proactive approach—not a reactive one. Be prepared with connecting questions like, Who are they? What do they want or need to do? Follow this format in the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” fashion. 

Ask for the order, and from there, teach that client the way they can send you business in this same way. On a final note, it’s a race right now to not only build your “have-met” database up to 5,000 contacts, but to also stay in touch with them through direct and indirect contact methods religiously.               

If you have any questions for us about your continued success in a shifting market or about today’s topic, please let us know. You can also visit our website to sign up for our agent newsletter, our business planning clinic, or to book a one-on-one appointment with our team. We’d love to have a conversation with you!